A global co-ordinating program facilitating development and delivery of new technologies to ensure wheat varieties and agronomic practices can meet the challenges of increasingly hotter and drier production environments.
What do we offer?
• Bring the wheat research community together to inform and exchange new germplasm, technologies and ideas for enhancing tolerance to heat and drought.
• Build the capacity for research and technology delivery in all regions where heat and drought challenge wheat production.
• Provide a framework for effective investment from funding organisations and value-adding across global research, enabling ready access and uptake of new technologies and resources.
• Engage the global wheat R&D and breeding community to promote collaboration and information sharing on heat & drought-related discoveries.
• Development of global research programs integrating expertise across multiple international partners
• Knowledge of, and ready access to germplasm, intellectual capacity, technological resources and facilities
• Increased investment in wheat heat and drought research reflecting robust research delivery and rapid progress in global adaptation to heat and drought
• Open and frequent communication globally, and the opportunity for regular exchange of staff and students between research groups and countries
• Ability to openly and effectively compare germplasm and technologies and their communication to facilitate uptake and adoption
• Development of efficient and rapid technology delivery paths to facilitate adoption
Stefanie Hagemann
How to Get Involved?
You do research on wheat and want to get involved to the AHEAD network to foster international science on heat and drought? Then please contact the AHEAD office and introduce yourself and your work to us. We are looking forward to hearing from you and answering your questions:
Julius Kühn Institute (JKI)
German Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants
Königin-Luise-Str. 19
14195 Berlin | Germany