The Wheat Initiative members are countries, international research centres and private companies. Each member is represented in Wheat Initiative Board (formerly the Institutions’ Coordination Committee) and Research Committee where they can shape the Wheat Initiative’s work.


The members’ lists with the representatives of countries to the Wheat Initiative Board (formerly the Institutions’ Coordination Committee) and Research Committee (RC).


Board: Juan Juttner

RC: Eric Huttner, Greg Rebetzke

Board: Gilles Saindon

RC: Brian Beres, Curtis Pozniak

Board: Xueyong Zhang

RC: Zhonghu He, Xueyong Zhang

Board: Jean-François Soussana

RC: Jacques LeGouis, Pierre Matre


Board: Katrin Link

RC: Frank Ordon, Jochen Reif

Board: John Spink

RC: Ewen Mullins, Fiona Doohan

RC: Luigi Cattivelli, Roberto Tuberosa

Board: Osamu Koyama

RC: Goro Ishikawa, (Hirokazu Handa, Deputy)


Board: Faouzi Bekkaoui

RC: Moha Ferrahi

Board: Lee Kyung-tai

RC: Jang Ki-chang, Kang Chon-sik

Board: Suat Yilmaz

RC: Irfan Öztürk, Hakan Özkan


Board: Tim Willis

RC: Julie King, Simon Griffiths

Board: Jorge Sawchik

RC: Silvia Pereyra

Board: Oswald Crasta, Jochum Wiersma

RC: Brett Carver, Gina Brown-Guedira



International Research Centres or other international organisations

The members’ lists with the representatives of public research organisations to Wheat Initiative Board (formerly the Institutions’ Coordination Committee) and Research Committee.


International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

Board: Bram Govaerts

RC: Kevin Pixley

International Center for Agricultural Research in the Areas

Board/ RC: Michael Baum

Institut du Végétal

RC: Jean-Pierre Cohan, Stéphane Jezequel



Private Members

The members’ lists and the representatives of private companies to the Wheat Initiative Research Committee.


Plant Breeding/ RC: Jean-Benoît Sarazin,

RC: Tanja Gertjes

RC: Philippe Dufour, Chris Burt, Richard Summers


Non‐G20 and non‐OECD member States


West and Central Africa Wheat Development Network (WECAWheat)

RC: Solomon A. Gizaw, Mahama Ouedraogo