Wheat Field Phenotyping Demo Day
9:30 AM09:30

Wheat Field Phenotyping Demo Day

Wheat Field Phenotyping Demo Day 

Registration is mandatory before April 22, 2025 at this form  https://forms.gle/QByVcyNiRVzTPfFaA

The Expert Working Group on Wheat Phenotyping is organising a Wheat Field Phenotyping Demo Day

Wheat Field Phenotyping Demo Day , Foggia, ITALY

May 13, 2025

9:30- Welcome by Wheat Initiative, Institutional and Local Authorities

10:00-12:30 Field visit and hands-on phenotyping demonstrations:

            Hiphen – (Patrizia Zamberletti) Overview of the Literal system, data acquisition in a wheat trial

            CREA – (Fabio Fania) UAV phenotyping in practice

            CNR/PlantBit – (Michela Janni) In vivo Sensing in practice

            IRTA (Adrian Gracia-Romero) Low-cost phenotyping cereal traits using RGB images

            YieldSystems (Jussi Gillberg) Video intelligence for scalable, accurate phenotyping

13:00-14:00 Light lunch

14:00-16:00 Data Analysis and management session (Hiphen, CREA, IRTA, YieldSystems)

16:00-17:00 Overlook on international Phenotyping initiatives:

            IPPN (IPPN, Philip von Gillhausen)

            EMPHASIS (EMPHASIS, Susie Robinson)

            PHENET (INRAE, Bertrand Muller)

            GlobalWheat (ETH, Andreas Hund)

            PhenItaly (CNR, Silvana Moscatelli)

17:00 Wrap-up conclusions and transfer to city center (hotels, train/bus station)

Registration is mandatory before April 22, 2025 at link:  https://forms.gle/QByVcyNiRVzTPfFaA

For any other further information: michela.janni(a)cnr.it , nicola.pecchioni(a)crea.gov.it

Organizing Committee:

Michela Janni, CNR

Nicola Pecchioni, CREA

Pasquale De Vita, CREA

Rossano Clementi, CREA

Daniela Pacifico, CREA

Fabio Fania, CREA

Ivano Pecorella, CREA

Patrizio Spadanuda, UNIFG, CREA

 Wheat Initiative

Please register here before April 22, 2025 at this  https://forms.gle/QByVcyNiRVzTPfFaA

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10th Genomic selection course
to May 23

10th Genomic selection course


Genomic selection course

10th edition of our hands-on course on Genomic Selection in Plant Breeding, designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of modern plant breeding techniques using R. This year’s course will take place from May 19 to 23, 2025, at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain.


Dates: May 19–23, 2025
Location: Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Agronomy School
Capacity: Maximum of 25 participants (first come, first served)
Fee: €1050 (Regular) | €650 (Student)
Registration deadline: April 20, 2025

For more details, visit our website: www.gscourse.com, where you can also find the online registration form. 

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XXIII International Bunt and Smut Workshop
to Jun 2

XXIII International Bunt and Smut Workshop

On behalf of the organising committee we share that the 23rd International Bunt and Smut

Workshop will take place in Uppsala, Sweden, on June 1–2, 2025.

The workshop will be a satellite event to the 14th Conference of the

European Foundation for Plant Pathology (EFPP), which follows on June


This workshop provides a platform for researchers, plant breeders, and

industry representatives to share the latest advancements in bunt and

smut diseases, including management strategies and resistance breeding.

The program will feature keynote presentations, research talks, and

discussions on future challenges and opportunities in the field.

Workshop Themes:

-          Biology, evolution, diversity, and epidemiology of bunts and


-          Molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity and host resistance

-          Breeding for host plant resistance

-          Integrated control strategies, regulations, and policies

-          Other relevant research topics

 Abstract submission deadline: March 17, 2025

Workshop dates: June 1–2, 2025

EFPP Conference: June 3–5, 2025


Registration & Abstract Submission:

Register via the EFPP website: https://www.efpp2025.com/

Workshop website and link to abstract submission:



Please feel free to share this information within your networks.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Uppsala!


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15th European Conference on Precision Agriculture – ECPA 2025
to Jul 3

15th European Conference on Precision Agriculture – ECPA 2025

15th European Conference on Precision Agriculture – ECPA 2025

Participate in the 15th European Conference on Precision Agriculture – ECPA 2025, happening in the vibrant city of Barcelona, Spain. Organized by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) under the auspices of the International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA), this event promises an enriching experience for all attendees.

With Precision Agriculture gaining prominence in EU legislation, it is vital to disseminate knowledge and advancements to all stakeholders in the sector. The 15th ECPA, themed "A Reality for Everyone," aims to achieve precisely that.

Key Dates:

  • Abstracts submission deadline: September 15, 2024

  • Notification of decisions on abstracts: October 15, 2024

  • Full paper submission: November 30, 2024

  • Conference dates: June 29 – July 3, 2025

For more information and submissions, visit www.ecpa2025.upc.edu.

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European Plant Phenomics Symposium (EPPS)
to Sep 19

European Plant Phenomics Symposium (EPPS)

  • Google Calendar ICS

European Plant Phenomics Symposium (EPPS)

The European Plant Phenomics Symposium (EPPS), brings together scientists from academia and industry as well as stakeholders dedicated to advancing plant phenotyping research and technology in Europe. This symposium provides a collaborative and interactive platform for sharing the latest innovations, methods, and applications in phenotyping with the goal to address the pressing challenges of sustainable agriculture, climate resilience, and food security across Europe and beyond. The EPPS will take place:

from 16th to 19th of September 2025

Find all info here:


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From Seed to Pasta V  (FSTP V)
to Sep 27

From Seed to Pasta V (FSTP V)

  • Google Calendar ICS

 The Congress ‘From Seed to Pasta V’ will provide a timely update on durum wheat multidisciplinary research towards a more sustainable and resilient durum wheat chain capable of enhancing food security while providing more nutritious grain and a healthier diet.

Facing the challenges posed by the climate crisis requires updated crop managements and fast genetic gains made possible by genomic-assisted selection based on advanced genomics knowledge and breeder’s friendly phenotyping to identify superior haplotyes, clone and edit the causal sequences.

State-of-the-art presentations will showcase how Tetraploid wheat genetic resources might help in reducing the environmental footprint of durum wheat production by discovering superior alleles.

Issues related to the production of higher quality and healthier semolina and pasta will be addressed in a dedicated session involving the milling and pasta industry.

The WI is looking forward to welcoming you the Wheat community in Bari to meet and greet at our booth there at FSTP5.

AGATA GADALETA                                                  ROBERTO TUBEROSA 


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8th Conference on Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding
to Nov 13

8th Conference on Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding

From November 10 to 13, 2025, the 8th Conference on Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding together with a satellite meeting of EWAC The European Cereals Genetics Co-operative will be held in Budapest, Hungary. During the conference, there will be invited keynote lectures, shorter talks (selected based on submitted abstracts), and poster demonstrations. Deadline for SUPER EARLY BIRD registration is March 31, 2025; abstract submission for oral presentations July 31, 2025.

Further details can be found on the website https://akcongress.com/cbb and the attached flyer. Please do not hesitate to forward this message to all colleagues who might also be interested in the conference. We would be very happy to welcome you in Budapest.

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4:00 PM16:00


Our Expert Working Group on Wheat Pathogens invites you to participate in the webinar on Thursday, March 20 at 9h Calgary time/ 16h Berlin / 1.30h 21st Adelaide time.

The invited Speaker is Dr. Daniel Croll, Professor of Evolutionary Genetics and Director of the Institute of Biology at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. His presentation titled: “Understanding mechanisms of crop pathogen emergence using large genome panels”.

Please feel free to FW this to those who are interested.

Microsoft Teams Need help?

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 228 794 968 574

Passcode: 8dp6qr7P

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- ONE HOUR NUE - The Virtual  Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) Meeting
1:00 PM13:00

- ONE HOUR NUE - The Virtual Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) Meeting

The Expert Working Group on Nutrient Use Efficiency are pleased to announce the first web conference affiliated with the group will be organised in February 28th 2025 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm (CET).



You will find below more details about this event:

01:00 pm - brief introduction (EWG chairs)

01:05- scientific talk :

Title: Understanding Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Wheat

Main speaker: Dr. Amanda De Oliveira Silva (USA - Oklahoma State University)

Brief description of the talk:

The goal of this talk is to provide an overview of the different definitions of NUE across disciplines and their implications for agronomy, particularly in wheat management:

  • Introduction on the importance of NUE in wheat production and use of N fertilizers globally

  • Discussion on the different metrics and definitions, including its components (NUpE and NUtE).

  • Relevance to agronomy, plant physiology, and environment, as well as the strengths and limitations of each in the context of wheat production.

01:35 - Q/A

01:50 - conclusion, further events (EWG chairs)

02:00 pm - end of the web conference

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5:00 AM05:00


“Suppression of resistance genes transferred between ploidy levels”


Leaf rust, stem rust, and stripe rust are important diseases of wheat that can be controlled using host genetic resistance. There are different strategies to achieve resistance including discovering new, effective rust resistance genes that can be utilized by breeders to develop resistant cultivars. There are an array of sources that can serve as potential reservoirs of new genes including hexaploid wheat, progenitor species, and distant relatives. In some instances, genes are transferred to hexaploid wheat from a related species but the resistant phenotype is not expressed. Suppression can be a barrier to transferring resistance between species and ploidy levels. We will look at some examples of suppressors, and resistance that is suppressed when crossing ploidy levels. While there are examples of genes that prevent suppression (nonsuppressors), currently there is no “one stop shop” solution to circumvent all instances of suppression when transferring resistance genes to wheat.


Colin is a wheat geneticist with AAFC at the Morden Research and Development Centre in Morden, MB. He completed his Ph.D at the University of Manitoba in 2008 and joined AAFC in his current position in 2010. Colin’s program focuses on disease resistance genes including discovering new R genes, gene interactions, marker development, gene cloning, cytogenetics, and suppression of resistance. Away from work, Colin enjoys many activities such as coaching hockey, playing guitar, backpacking, and maintaining his backyard hockey rink (winter only, Manitoba does actually have summer).

The link to the webinar:


Microsoft Teams Need help?

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 280 853 550 619

Passcode: Xd6Hv6C8

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WheatIS annual meeting at PAG 32 and hybrid
7:00 PM19:00

WheatIS annual meeting at PAG 32 and hybrid

The WheatIS EWG is holding their annual meeting at PAG in hybrid.

You are invited to join the meeting:

On site: room California 1 (cf. map in attachment)
Remotely: https://inrae-fr.zoom.us/my/malaux
Audience: the meeting is primarily intended for members of the EWG, but feel free to invite any colleagues interested in the field (on site or remotely).

 Schedule: Friday, January 10, 10 AM to 12 PM California time (Pacific Standard Time PST).

San Diego , USA – California, Friday, 10th Jan 2025, 10:00h

Berlin, Germany Friday 10th Jan 2025, 19:00h

Adelaide, Australia Sat 11. Januar 2025, 04:30h

•    Round table and WheatIS EWG news (10:00 - 10:15, Michael Alaux)
•    Follow-up of AI at INRAE-URGI (10:15 – 10:30, Cyril Pommier / Raphaël Flores): 10 min presentation + 5 min question
•    Machine learning to predict end-use quality in wheat (10:30 – 11:55, Muhammad Afzal, ECR travel awardee): 15 min presentation+ 10 min question
•    AI in GrainGenes (11:55 - 11:20, Taner Sen): 15 min presentation+ 10 min question
•    AI at University Western Australia (11:20 – 11:45, Dave Edwards): 15 min presentation+ 10 min question
•    Plan for 2025 (budget, activities, ECRs) (11:45 - 12:00, Michael Alaux)


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International Plant & Animal Genome Conference / PAG 32
to Jan 15

International Plant & Animal Genome Conference / PAG 32

The Largest Ag-Genomics Meeting in the World

PAG brings together over 3,000 leading genetic scientists and researchers in plant and animal research, and over 150 exhibits, 200 workshops, 1,200  posters and over 2,000 abstracts.

The full program consists of scientific workshops, plenary speakers, industry workshops, digital tools and resources sessions, posters sessions, and and exhibits with vendors presenting industry related productions and services. It is designed to provide a forum on recent developments and future plans for plant and animal genome projects. Conference are an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and applications on this internationally important project.

Find the latest info here: https://www.intlpag.org/32/

• January 10-15, 2025 • San Diego, CA, USA

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2:00 PM14:00


Updates from the International Wheat Congress: a durum wheat perspective



Meeting number 2780 626 2989   Meeting password ccXTV3MDK23

In September 2024 wheat scientists have met in Perth (Australia) for the 3rd International Wheat Congress (IWC), the event was well attended, nevertheless the durum wheat community was underrepresented. To keep the durum community updated on the most recent advancements on wheat science with potential impact on durum wheat breeding, the chairs of the EWG on durum wheat have selected 4 of the most relevant presentations and asked the speakers to report in this Virtual Durum Meeting.

The final presentation will be dedicated to a new initiative of the EWG for the establishment of a panel of durum wheat carrying value sources on Fusarium Head Blight resistance.

The 6th Virtual Durum Meeting starts at 3.00 pm Central European Time

Chairs: Karim Ammar & Agata Gadaleta


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6:00 PM18:00


Join the Expert Working Group on Wheat Pathogens in their webinar:

Dr. Guus Bakkeren and his talk “Tackling wheat leaf rust through pathogen and host genomics”.

Dr. Guus Bakkeren is a research scientists in Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Summerland BC. He has been working on plant pathogen interactions for the past 30 years and with a focus on effectors and fungal pathogens such as smut and cereal rust. The abstract of his talk: The basidiomycete fungus Puccinia triticina (Pt), causing Wheat Leaf Rust disease, is an obligate pathogen of wheat and is a worldwide scourge resulting in significant crop losses annually. The genomics era has in a major way advanced insight into the biology and the evolution of the populations of this fungus, as well as the interaction with its host including defense responses in wheat. I will present an assessment of genetic diversity and mating types among a large collection of Canadian, US and Mexican fungal isolates using whole genome and RNA-derived sequences and put this NA population diversity in a global context. I will also outline approaches to identify and assess functions of Pt avirulence effectors.


Microsoft Teams Need help?

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 280 281 776 013

Passcode: SaUcuR

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Delivering Sustainable Wheat (DSW) in Practice
to Nov 13

Delivering Sustainable Wheat (DSW) in Practice

Two-day, online course: 12-13 November 2024

The BBSRC funded Delivering Sustainable Wheat (DSW) Institute Strategic Programme spans nine UK research institutes and universities and aims to develop new wheat germplasm containing the next generation of key traits. The aim of the DSW In Practice course is provide an entry level introduction to wheat research, giving a taste of the work in DSW including, wheat genetics and genomics, wheat pathology, and wheat genomics data and resources.


Target Audience

The course is aimed at anyone with an interest in cereals research and crop breeding.  It is an entry level introduction, giving a taste of crop development and phenotyping, wheat genetics and genomics, wheat pathology, sources of genetic diversity in wheat and genomics data resources.  Applications are welcome from UK and international undergraduates/MSc students, plant breeders, PhD students, and postdocs.  A total of 30 places are available for this course.

The course is a two-day, online-only programme of lectures, workshops and breakout discussion groups.



It is essential that participants are fluent English speakers, as this intensive course will be given in English.  Successful applicants will be provided with a bibliography to read in advance. Participants will need a strong, reliable internet connection and must commit to all sessions of the two-day course.



The registration fee is £50.00 (GBP), payable in advance.


Application Deadline

The deadline for submission of application is Wednesday 17 July 2024.

Applicants are required to fill out the following form:



Upon completion of the form, they will receive an email with instructions on how to submit a CV/résumé (maximum length two sides of A4), a personal statement on why they would like to attend the course (maximum 500 words) and a letter of recommendation from their Head of Department/Line Manager or equivalent. Successful applicants will be informed by 31 August 2024 and will be invoiced £50.00 (GBP) to be paid within four weeks of receipt.

Any personal data submitted as part of your application will be held securely in accordance with our privacy policy: https://jic.link/DSWinPractice-PrivacyPolicy

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2024 ASA/CSSA/SSSA annual meeting
to Nov 13

2024 ASA/CSSA/SSSA annual meeting

  • San Antonio, TX. usa (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

2024 ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual MeetingAI Innovations for a Changing ClimateNovember 10-13 | San Antonio, Texas and Limited Virtual

Get inpired at the 2024 ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting to move change in agronomy, crop, and soil sciences to impact scientific advancement. 

San Antonio, TX. November 10-13 | San Antonio, Texas and Limited Virtual


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5:00 PM17:00


Join the Expert Working Group on Wheat Pathogens in their webinar:

Dr. Beat Keller and his talk “Genetic and functional analysis of complex host – pathogen interactions in the wheat - powdery mildew pathosystem”.

Professor Beat Keller serves as the Head of the Molecular Plant Biology and Phytopathology Group within the Department of Plant and Microbial Biology at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. His contributions to wheat genomics and the investigation of wheat resistance to fungal pathogens have been substantial. Notably, his collaboration with the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium led to the completion of the first high-quality wheat genome.

Recently, Dr. Keller's research has concentrated on the molecular interactions between wheat and the powdery mildew pathogen. While his primary focus is on understanding the molecular basis of resistance in wheat, barley, and rye, his findings also have significant implications for plant breeding. Furthermore, his work has prompted important discussions regarding the role of innovative technologies in ensuring food security and reducing pesticide use.

The talk will be held via MS team on Thursday, Oct 31, at 9 am Calgary time.

Microsoft Teams Need help?

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 291 334 522 555

Passcode: YEEtS8

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IPPS8: International Plant Phenotyping Symposium 2024 Green Horizons: Navigating the Future of Plant Phenotyping
to Oct 11

IPPS8: International Plant Phenotyping Symposium 2024 Green Horizons: Navigating the Future of Plant Phenotyping

IPPS8 invites you to join the world's leading conference on plant phenotyping, held in the inspiring environment of the University Nebraska-Lincoln.

Join & explore the latest advances & innovations in this dynamic research field.

Network with global experts, share research, & gain practical insights through poster sessions, lab tours, & dedicated industry opportunities.

Join leading scientists & industry innovators for groundbreaking research, fostering collaboration & accelerating advancements in:

•       Plant Phenotyping for plant physiology

•       Emerging frontiers in plant phenomics

•       Cutting-edge technologies & solutions provided by industry

•       AI & Data Science advancing plant phenotyping methods

Come & join on the future of plant phenotyping!

Registration starting soon!

For more information & registration: https://www.ipps8.org

#IPPS8 #plantphenotyping #futureofresearch #plantscience #conference #UNL #IPPN #Lincoln

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3rd International Wheat Congress
to Sep 27

3rd International Wheat Congress

First Announcement

3rd International Wheat Congress

The International Wheat Congress (IWC) is a prestigious biennial event that begun in July 2019 in Saskatoon, Canada. It serves as an important gathering for the global wheat community, providing a platform for leading experts, researchers, policymakers, and industry professionals to discuss advancements in the field of wheat breeding, genetics, genomics, and agronomy.

This Congress will provide a platform for researchers to present their findings, share insights, and exchange ideas, which can contribute to enhancing the sustainability and resilience of wheat production systems. Policymakers and industry professionals attending the event will be kept updated on the latest trends and innovations in the wheat industry, fostering collaboration and driving advancements in the field.

The upcoming edition of the conference, scheduled for September 22-27, 2024, will be organised by the Centre for Crop & Food Innovation, Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia.

The 3rd IWC will be held at Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre (PCEC), in Perth, Western Australia.

National Chair: 
Prof. Rajeev Varshney FRS 
Director, WA State Agricultural Biotechnology Centre; 
Director, Centre for Crop & Food Innovation, & 
International Chair in Agriculture & Food Security 
Murdoch University, 
90 South St, Murdoch, WA 6150
E-mail: iwc2024.organizers@gmail.com

The International Wheat Congress (IWC) was merged from two original wheat international conferences,the International Wheat Genetics Symposium and the International Wheat Conference. IWC is a biennial event and the 1st IWC was held in July 2019 in Saskatoon, Canada. The 2nd IWC was planned for 2021 in Beijing, but was delayed to 2022 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Wheat Pathogens Symposium at 3rd IWC in Perth
9:00 AM09:00

Wheat Pathogens Symposium at 3rd IWC in Perth

Thank you for your interest in our in-person meeting of our Pathogens EWG Meeting Registration for this satellite meeting is free. If participants plan to attend the International Wheat Congress 2024 (IWC2024), they will have to register and pay separately.

Find the Presentation Schedule here: Presentation Schedule


The meeting will start on September 21st at 9:00hrs (Perth/AU Time) am and will close on 18:00Hrs (Perth/AU Time).

To attend pre-registration is mandatory.

--- Deadline for registration is August 30, 2024 ----

Pre-registration has closed.

!NOTE TO EARLY CAREER RESEARCHERS! The EWG will hold oral presentation prizes for early career researchers (ECRs) at the symposium. To be eligible, non-member ECRs will need to sign up for Wheat Initiative EWG ECR membership before the Symposium. It's free! You can sign up for membership by following the instructions found in this link (download application form). The winner will receive 300€ (Euro) and runner-up will receive 200€ (Euro). The winner and runner-up will be required to contribute to the Wheat Initiative newsletter thereafter by providing a snapshot of their research and a researcher profile. Great exposure of your research and looks good on the CV!

We look forward for your active participation!

Symposium location

Curtin University of Technology, Bentley Campus

Building 300 Room 217 (300.217:CT)

We will put signs up around the place on the day of the symposium

How to get here?

If you have already booked your accommodation in the city centre near the Perth Convention Centre where the IWC will be held, you can easily catch public transport (https://www.transperth.wa.gov.au/). The Elizabeth Quay Busport and Train station is next to the Perth Convention Centre. You can take;

1.    Take buses 34 and 72 from the Elizabeth Quay Bus Port directly to the Curtin University Hayman Road Busport adjacent to the symposium venue.

2.    Take a train on the Mandurah Line from the Elizabeth Quay Train station. Alight at the Canning Bridge Station. Catch bus 101 to the Curtin University Hayman Road Busport adjacent to the symposium venue.

The other alternative is to take a taxi or ride shares (Ola, DiDi or Uber). There won’t be any traffic jams on a Saturday morning.


If you seek accommodation closer to the symposium venue at Curtin University, try the ‘Nesuto Curtin Perth Hotel’ (https://www.nesuto.com/curtin). It is a new hotel located at Curtin University.

Local restaurants

You can find a few local restaurants and fast-food joints at the Waterford Plaza. But I recommend taking a short trip (via bus) to Victoria Park for more choices.

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EUCARPIA General Congress
to Aug 23

EUCARPIA General Congress

EUCARPIA General Congress

From August 18 - 23, 2024, the EUCARPIA General Congress will be held at The Westin Hotel in Leipzig, Germany. The topic of the conference is "Global Challenges for Crop Improvement." During the conference, there will be invited keynote lectures, shorter talks (selected based on submitted abstracts), and poster demonstrations. 400-500 scientists from around the world are expected to attend. 

Deadline for early bird registration and abstract submission is April 15, 2024.

Further details can be found on the website https://meetings.ipk-gatersleben.de/eucarpia/ and in the attached flyer. 

Please do not hesitate to forward this message to all colleagues who might also be interested in the EUCARPIA Congress.

Info sheet here

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American Oat Workers' Conference (AOWC)
to Jul 24

American Oat Workers' Conference (AOWC)

The dates for the next American Oat Workers' Conference (AOWC) have been announced!  The meeting, hosted by oat breeder Aaron Beattie from the Crop Development Centre at the University of Saskatchewan, will be held from 21-24 July, 2024, in Saskatoon, SK, Canada.


The official website will be up soon.  In the meantime, more information concerning AOWC is in the AOWC section of the Oat Newsletter (https://oatnews.org/events), which will also be updated as more news concerning the event becomes available.


While the American Oat Workers’ group is designed to meet the needs of those working with oats in North, Central, and South America, everyone is welcome to attend the conference!

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5:00 PM17:00


June Webinar: “Wheat disease monitoring and diagnostics in Alberta, Canada.” by MICHAEL HARDING

9 am Calgary /5 pm Berlin/ 4 pm London

Dr. Michael Harding is the Crop Health Assurance Lead for Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation. He received his BSc in Biology from the University of Lethbridge in 1996, and his PhD in Plant Pathology from the University of Arizona in 2004.  Dr. Harding leads crop disease monitoring and surveillance in Alberta and assists with crop health diagnostics. He is also active in research on sanitization and disinfection of agriculture and food surfaces and biofilm microbiology.

Link will be included shortly

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9th edition of Genomic selection in breeding course. A hands-on short course in R. 
to May 24

9th edition of Genomic selection in breeding course. A hands-on short course in R. 

9th edition of Genomic selection in breeding course. A hands-on short course in R. 

Please take a look at our website  www.gscourse.com where you can find all the information also in our Twitter account @gscourseR.

The course will take place at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) in Spain from the 20 to the 24 of May 2024.  
There is a maximum number of 25 participants. 
Spread the word within your institution/company or on social media.
May 2024 in Madrid, Spain.


Social media Links:






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Plant Macro- and Microbiomes – shaping new research frontiers
to May 15

Plant Macro- and Microbiomes – shaping new research frontiers

Plant Macro- and Microbiomes – shaping new research frontiers

COS-EMBL Workshop

Find all info here: https://www.embl.org/events/cos-embl-plants-workshop/


The workshop focuses on interactions of plants with biotic friends or foes at the “Macro” (animals, other plants) and “Micro” (fungi, bacteria and viruses) scale, considering molecular and cellular interfaces. There will be four sessions, each hosting a keynote speaker, several early research scientists and addressing a critical aspect of plant biotic interactions. 

Tuesday 14 May 2024

13:30Arrival and welcome

Session 1 Plant MACROBIOME – animals

14:00 Keynote speaker: Saskia Hogenhout (John Innes Centre, UK)

14:40 Invited talks (x4)

16:00 Coffee break

Session 2 Plant MACROBIOME – plant-plant cross-species interaction

16:30 Keynote speaker: Tom Bennett (University of Leeds, UK)

17:10 Invited talks (x4)

18:30 Discussion of the MACROBIOME sessions / Poster session

19:30 Dinner

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Session 3 Plant MICROBIOME – bacteria

08:30 Keynote speaker: Sophien Kamoun (The Sainsbury Laboratory, UK)

09:10Invited talks (x4)

Session 4 Plant MICROBIOME – viruses and fungi

10:30 Keynote speaker: Rosa Lozano-Durán (Uni Tübingen, ZMBP, DE)

11:10 Finger food / Poster session

12:00 Invited talks (x4)

13:20 Discussion of the MICROBIOME sessions

13:50 Wrap-up

14:20 End of the workshop

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Dr. Xianran Li at the EWG Breeding Webinar
5:00 PM17:00

Dr. Xianran Li at the EWG Breeding Webinar

“Integration of Enviromics into genetics and breeding”

In natural conditions, environmental conditions play a significant role in shaping phenotypic variation. However, effectively integrating the environmental contributions into genetic analyses and breeding programs remains a challenge. One key bottleneck is identifying key environmental variables from comprehensive whole-season external weather profiles that are associated with phenotypic variation. This webinar will first introduce the CERIS-JGRA framework designed to identify and integrate major environmental variables. This simple and straightforward framework provides an approach for comprehending and predicting phenotype values, thus enhancing our ability to develop resilient crop varieties. Then I will delve into the enviromic prediction approach, which leverages machine learning and deep learning to forecast crop performance over temporal and spatial scales.


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Meeting number: 2781 596 6915

Meeting password: NniVVTbM768 (66488826 from video systems) 

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Connect to audio using the computer.   
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Dial 27815966915@wheatinitiative.webex.com 
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

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International Cereal and Bread Congress ICBC
to Apr 25

International Cereal and Bread Congress ICBC

International Cereal and Bread Congress ICBC

The 17th ICBC wishes to promote: “Healthy Cereal Diets from Sustainable Food Systems” as there is an urgent need for keeping the food systems within environmental limits.

The 17th International Cereal and Bread Congress (ICBC) will explore the latest innovations and trends in cereal science and technology, with a focus on promoting healthy cereal-based diets from sustainable food systems. Topics of interest include plant breeding, food quality and safety analysis, and the use of new raw materials and ingredients in cereal product development.

Please find below a list of topics for which abstracts are welcome:

The following topics will frame ICBC24:

▪︎ Agricultural policy, global supply chain and trade of cereals
▪︎ Sustainable agriculture and food chain systems
▪︎ Grain breeding and climate change
▪︎ Alternative grain crops to face global challenges
▪︎ Cereal nutrition for health-conscious consumers
▪︎ Wholegrains, their definition and utilisation in foods
▪︎ Conventional cereal processing technologies: milling, bread making, biscuits, pasta
▪︎ Non-conventional and emerging cereal technologies
▪︎ Analytical methods for quality determination and grain characterization
▪︎ Food safety
▪︎ Consumer perception of grain-based foods
▪︎ Cereal future, innovation in teaching and learning, innovation and management

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11:00 AM11:00


Developing cisgenic resistance gene stacks in wheat for improved resistance to wheat stem rust disease

by Dr Ming Luo

NOTE: This will be on March 26 in Calgary time but March 27th Australian time

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Fungal rust diseases are a major production constraint in wheat with the combined annual global cost of stem rust, stripe rust and leaf rust estimated to be more than $3 billion. The most cost effective and environmentally sustainable approach to controlling rust diseases is via genetic resistance. However, these pathogens evolve rapidly and can quickly overcome resistance genes, particularly when they are deployed individually. Polygenic resistance is believed to provide more durable resistance, however selection of multiple unlinked resistance genes in breeding programs is difficult and expensive and gene combinations quickly separate in future breeding efforts. A more effective strategy for strong, longer-lasting resistance is to combine multiple genes into a single locus with multi-gene cassettes. We have developed wheat lines containing multi-gene cassettes encoding up to five different stem rust resistance genes at single loci. Furthermore, two separate resistance gene stacks, each encoding five wheat stem rust resistance transgenes, have been combined by conventional breeding to generate wheat plants containing an unprecedented level of polygenic stem rust disease resistance. Next generation five gene stacks have now been produced in wheat using a Precision Engineering approach that incorporates only wheat DNA sequences i.e. no selectable markers, cloning scars or Agrobacterium border sequences. These entirely cisgenic plants have the potential for reduced regulatory burden given recent changes to GM legislation in some countries. Cisgenic resistance gene stacks are now also being developed for wheat stripe rust and leaf rust diseases. This cisgenic technology is applicable to other crops for improving disease resistance and for developing other polygenic traits of agronomic significance with single gene inheritance.


Dr Ming Luo obtained his master’s degree in Agronomy at Sichuan Agricultural University, China in 1989 and PhD in Molecular Genetics at Australian National University, Australia in 2004. He has worked at CSIRO Agriculture and Food since 2004 where he is currently employed as a Senior Research Scientist. His research interests include epigenetic mechanisms that regulate the double fertilization processes in flowering plants. More recently he has been developing durable resistance to wheat stem rust by stacking multiple (five) disease resistant genes at a single locus in wheat. His team has improved upon this strategy to generate large, entirely cisgenic wheat resistance stacks which is a novel technology potentially applicable to many other agricultural crops.

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9:00 AM09:00


“The contribution of the wheat leaf rust resistance genes Lr34 and Lr67 to multi-pest resistance.”

Dr. McCallum is a senior research scientist at AAFC, Morden Research and Development Centre in Manitoba. His research over the past 28 years has a focus on wheat leaf rust disease in Canada, variation in the causing pathogen, and identification and development of genetic resistance, host pathogen interaction and pathogen evolution.

Thursday on February 22nd (9 am Calgary /5 pm Berlin/4 pm London)

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5:00 PM17:00



"Tracing a cereal killer: Genomics-assisted surveillance and genome evolution of the blast fungus.”

THORSTEN lANGNER is a group leader at the Max-Planck Institute for Biology, Tuebingen Germany. since July, 2023. Research focus: Role of mini-chromosomes in blast fungus genome evolution; immune receptor engineering for wheat blast resistance; pathogen surveillance.


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WheatIS annual meeting at PAG and hybrid (PST TIME!)
10:00 AM10:00

WheatIS annual meeting at PAG and hybrid (PST TIME!)

The WheatIS EWG is holding their annual meeting at PAG in hybrid.

You are invited to join the meeting:

 Schedule: Friday, January 12, 10 AM to 12 PM California time (Pacific Standard Time PST).
On site: room Palm 8 (cf. map in attachment)
Remotely: https://inrae-fr.zoom.us/my/malaux
Audience: the meeting is primarily intended for members of the EWG, but feel free to invite any colleagues interested in the field (on site or remotely).

Please find all details attached in the PDF.

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International Plant & Animal Genome / PAG 31  San Diego, CA, USA
to Jan 17

International Plant & Animal Genome / PAG 31 San Diego, CA, USA

Exchange Ideas and Gain New Insights

The scientific program at PAG includes informative speakers, technial presentations, poster sessions, and workshops —are all excellent forums for the exchange of ideas and applications on recent developments.

full program consists of scientific workshops, plenary speakers, industry workshops, digital tools and resources sessions, posters sessions, and and Exhibits with vendors presenting industry related productions and services. It is designed to provide a forum on recent developments and future plans for plant and animal genome projects. conference is an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and applications on this internationally important project.

Look for all info here: https://intlpag.org/31/

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5:00 PM17:00


Anders Borgen will be giving his talk titled: Unlocking the resistance to common bunt

Please find the link for the meeting here


9 am Calgary /5 pm Berlin/4 pm London

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GFAR Talks VIII: An agroecological transformation requires a paradigm shift in agricultural research
1:00 PM13:00

GFAR Talks VIII: An agroecological transformation requires a paradigm shift in agricultural research

In the 8th edition in the GFAR Talks series, two eminent speakers will explore how research, that has so far focused on mainstream crops grown as monocultures, requires a paradigm shift if we are to transform the agrifood system.

Emile A. Frison is an expert on agricultural biodiversity, agroecology and sustainable food systems. He is Senior Advisor to the Agroecology Coalition and member of the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food). A Belgian national, he spent his entire career in international agricultural research for development, including six years in Africa in Nigeria and Mauritania. He was Director General of Bioversity International from 2003 to 2013. Since 2013, Dr Frison focuses on advancing sustainable agriculture and food systems. He is the lead author of the IPES-Food report “ From Uniformity to Diversity: a paradigm shift from industrial agriculture to diversified agroecological systems”. He is a member of the Africa Europe Foundation Strategy Group on Agriculture, and is author or co-author of over 175 scientific, technical and policy papers.

Romano De Vivo has championed sustainable agriculture for over two decades. As a sustainability leader at CropLife International, he steers the organization's environmental initiatives and forges partnerships, prioritizing innovative farming, adaptive food systems, and impactful climate solutions.
Romano earned his doctorate in Agricultural Economics from the University of Salerno. His commitment to lifelong learning also took him to STOA and MIT's Sloan School of Management for his MBA, alongside a Masters in Environmental Governance from the Graduate Institute of Geneva.
Before CropLife, he contributed to sustainability and environmental strategies at global frontrunners Givaudan and Syngenta. Beyond the corporate sphere, Romano engages in public research and shares his expertise as a lecturer at the University of Piacenza and the University of Freiburg's Center for Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability.
With roots in Italy and Switzerland, Romano's blended heritage provides a unique lens, positively shaping the future of sustainable agriculture.

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5:00 PM17:00


The Expert Working Group on Wheat Pathogens presents:

Global Burden of Crop Loss initiative – in pursuit to support data-driven decision making

Anna is a geographer and crop protection modeller with experience working on highly collaborative projects tackling crop pest problems in the USA, Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. Before joining CABI in 2021 as a Technical Lead on the Global Burden of Crop Loss initiative, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher in modelling groups at the Plant Science Department in Cambridge (2018-2021) and at Rothamsted Research (2014-2018). Anna has experience in modelling spatial distribution of host plants, monitoring the spread of pathogens, advising surveillance strategies, working with qualitative farmer survey data, modelling pest climatic niche and pest population dynamics.

Please join on  Wednesday November 8th, 9am Calgary time , 5pm Berlin time, 12am (00:00) Perth time via the link:


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Conference on Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding
to Nov 9

Conference on Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding

Dear colleagues and friends,

Having organized the last Conference on Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding in 2021 as an online event, we are glad to announce that CBB7 will be held as a presence meeting in Wernigerode, Germany. In addition, the 18th EWAC – The European Cereals Genetics Co-operative Conference will be prepared as a satellite meeting. Both conferences will be jointly organised with the Cereals Section of EUCARPIA - the European Association for Research on Plant Breeding. Participants may submit different abstracts to both events.

The program will cover a wide spectrum of topics dealing with cereals genetics, breeding and biotechnology. It will be a platform for extending research networks and the initiation of new collaborations.

In particular, we want to encourage young scientists to participate to CBB7 and to present their recent results. Therefore, we will offer 6 free student registration fees which will be selected and awarded based on the abstract submissions. Please indicate your interest in applying for free subscription.

We wish to welcome you to Wernigerode for the EWAC and CBB7 Conferences!

On behalf of the Organizing Committee

Andreas BörnerConference Chair
President of EUCARPIA

More Info here: https://akcongress.com/cbb/

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