The public launch of WheatVIVO was on 8th November 2021, with 110 users checking it out on this day to see what it was all about! WheatVIVO is an open access data portal that provides information about wheat researchers, and projects globally. It accesses information from: WheatVIVO signups, RCUK, ORCID, CORDIS, OpenAire and Concepts. Over 230 people have signed up to have their personal profile included.
Since the public launch, there have been over 6,300 users with an average engagement time of 1 minute. The graph above shows the usage of WheatVIVO since Google Analytics has been collecting data. Spikes in usage can generally be attributed to certain events, such as soft launch (Sept 2021), public launch (Nov 2021), the celebration of WheatVIVO’s first anniversary (Nov 2022) and announcement of IWC abstracts in the Newsletter (June 2024).
Usage of WheatVIVO has steadily increased: in 2022, there was an average of 116 users per month and in 2023 the average increased 58% to 183 users per month. In 2024 (data up to 30/11/24), there was another increase of 33% to an average of 243 users per month.
The categories most searched for are people and projects. The top five countries that use WheatVIVO are USA, China, Australia, UK and Germany.
In March 2024, the abstracts from both the oral presentations and posters from the 1st IWC held in Canada in 2019 and the 2nd IWC held in China in 2022 were included on WheatVIVO. See Conferences ( Click on the Conferences tab and then the relevant IWC. The ‘Publications’ tab contains the list of abstracts and from there you can open up the abstracts. Abstracts are sorted by category/session/theme. It is planned that the abstracts from the 3rd IWC held in Australia in 2024 will be available on WheatVIVO in early 2025.
We are continually making refinements and adding new features to improve WheatVIVO. If you have an idea, suggestion or any other feedback, please email us.