The Expert Working Group on Nutrient Use Efficiency in wheat aims to improve international coordination on NUE (Nitrogen and other nutrients) research in wheat, which is presently highly dispersed globally.
It will assess the current state of the art and compile available information. It will evaluate the potential of genetic versus agronomic solutions, assess the importance of interaction between nutrients on specific (nutrient) NUE as well as evaluate how priorities for traits and NUE may vary from region to region, globally. The EWG will promote collaborations and exchange of expertise particularly with the other EWGs to better characterize and improve NUE.
The proposal to establish an Expert Working Group on Nutrient use efficiency in wheat was submitted by Malcolm Hawkesford (Rothamsted Research, UK), Jacques Le Gouis (INRA, France), Ivan Ortiz-Monasterio (CIMMYT) and Fusuo Zhang (China Agricultural University, PRC), and endorsed by the Wheat Initiative Research Committee in October 2014.
Chair: Jean-Pierre COHAN
Call for Experts
The call for experts will remain open during the EWG lifetime. Any expert wishing to participate in the Nutrient Use Efficiency in Wheat Expert Working Group should complete the application form and send it via email to wheat(dot)initiative(at)julius-kuehn(dot)de.
International Research Programme proposal
The Nutrient Use Efficiency EWG submitted a concept note to develop a large international research programme to improve Nitrogen Use Efficiency in wheat, including a short-term action plan to develop a full proposal through the organisation of an international conference.
Webinar: ONE HOUR NUE - The Virtual Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) Meeting
Title: Understanding Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Wheat
Speaker: Dr. Amanda De Oliveira Silva (USA - Oklahoma State University)
September 21, 2024, Perth
October 17-18, 2023 - Boigneville, France
October 7, 2020 - virtual
November 4-5, 2019 - Beauce La Romaine, France
September 17-18, 2019 - Bari, Italy
November 26-27, 2018 - Clermont-Ferrand, France
May 16-17, 2017 - Rothamsted, UK
March 9-11, 2016 - Ciudad Obregón, Mexico
June 18-19, 2015 - Harpenden, UK