This Expert Working Group focuses on the development of a Wheat Information System (WHEATIS).
An expert committee, led by Hadi Quesneville (INRA, France) and Mario Caccamo (TGAC, UK), initially produced a survey analysis of wheat research community needs. They submitted a proposal to set up a Wheat Initiative Expert Working Group and develop a Wheat Information System (WheatIS) which was endorsed by the RC in January 2013.
The topic was considered as a top priority by the Institutions’ Coordination Committee (ICC), now the Wheat Initiative Board, in November 2012 and the proposal was endorsed by the Research Committee (RC) in January 2013. At the request of the RC, different scenarios were provided to clarify timeframes and required means to achieve the goals described in the EWG proposal.
ICC (now Wheat Initiative Board) members agreed on May 15, 2013 on the terms of the overall project and encouraged the EWG proposers to implement it without any further delay. The project started with TGAC (UK) and URGI (France) as leading WheatIS nodes progressively includes other nodes. The Research Data Alliance will contribute to the development of the WheatIS.
A revised version of the Wheat IS project as well as an action plan were produced by the EWG following its second meeting. The web portal at WheatIS.org was released publicly in 2015, and by 2020, it expanded to 8 geographically-distributed nodes and around 20 organizations under its umbrella (Sen et al., F1000Research, 2020).
Call for Experts
The call for experts will remain during the EWG lifetime. Any expert wishing to participate to the WheatIS Expert Working Group should complete the application form and send it via email to wheat(dot)initiative(at)julius-kuehn(dot)de.
Chair: Michael ALAUX
Co-Chairs: Mario CACCAMO, Sarah DYER, Dave EDWARDS, Taner SEN
January 171 2025, at PAG32 and hybrid (watch recording here soon)
January 17, 2024, at PAG31 and hybrid (watch recording here)
January 13, 2023, online (watch recording here)
January 10, 2020, San Diego, California, USA
January 11, 2019, San Diego, USA
September 24-25, 2018, joint workshop “Data management for wheat phenotyping”, Versailles, France
July 1, 2018, Workshop “Gene nomenclature” and meeting, Berlin, Germany
January 12, 2018, San Diego, USA
January 13, 2017, San Diego, USA
October 11-13, 2016, Munich, Germany
January 9, 2015, San Diego, USA
January 13, 2014, San Diego, USA
December 2-3, 2013, Versailles, France
Webinar on Data Discovery (Powerpoint and Recorded Video), 25 February 2020