Updates from the International Wheat Congress: a durum wheat perspective
Meeting number 2780 626 2989 Meeting password ccXTV3MDK23
In September 2024 wheat scientists have met in Perth (Australia) for the 3rd International Wheat Congress (IWC), the event was well attended, nevertheless the durum wheat community was underrepresented. To keep the durum community updated on the most recent advancements on wheat science with potential impact on durum wheat breeding, the chairs of the EWG on durum wheat have selected 4 of the most relevant presentations and asked the speakers to report in this Virtual Durum Meeting.
The final presentation will be dedicated to a new initiative of the EWG for the establishment of a panel of durum wheat carrying value sources on Fusarium Head Blight resistance.
The 6th Virtual Durum Meeting starts at 3.00 pm Central European Time
Chairs: Karim Ammar & Agata Gadaleta