In 2024 the Wheat Initiative Expert Working Group Improving Wheat Quality for Processing and Health has invited PhD students and researchers who have recently graduated from their PhD (from 2021) with a focus on wheat quality to create and submit a video explaining their PhD in just three minutes.
The challenge is to present your research results and their application, translating knowledge for a more general audience and not just for experts in the field.
We thank all participants for their submissions. After a careful review of all videos from a panel of experts, the Chair and Co-Chair made a decision. You can watch all winner videos below:
Muhammad Afzal: Large-scale proteomics to produce safe and nutritious wheat products
Yuzhou Lan: Wheat gluten affected by drought
Early 2024 the Expert Working Group on wheat Quality invited postgraduate students, early and mid career wheat researchers to create and present a video to their peers sharing their expertise and knowledge on wheat quality methodologies.
We thank all participants for their submissions. After a careful review of all videos from a panel of experts, the Chair and Co-Chair made a decision. You can watch all winner videos below:
1st Award Siem Doo Siah AEGIC
2nd Award Gabriel Posadas Cimmyt
3rd Award Mehri Hadinezhad Agriculture and Agri Food Canada
Special Award Whole Grain Nayelli Hernández-Espinosa (Cimmyt)
End of 2021 two of the Wheat Initiative’s Expert Working Groups (EWG) joint forces and made a call for the best abiotic stress/phenotyping videos. This call was led by the Chairs and Co-Chairs of the Wheat Initiative Expert Working Groups on Adaption of Wheat to Abiotic Stress (AWAS EWG) and Wheat Phenotyping to Support Wheat Improvement (Phenotyping EWG) and was open to all postgraduate students and early-career researchers interested in applying.
We thank all participants for their submissions. After a careful review of all videos from a panel of experts, the Chairs and Co-Chairs made a decision. You can watch all winner videos below:
CATEGORY: High Tech Abiotic Stress/Phenotyping Apps
CATEGORY: Individual Abiotic Stress/Phenotyping Work
Sebastien Dandrifosse
Development of a robotic platform for in-field wheat phenotyping, Belgium
Jatinder Sangha
Single Kernel Moisture Reader, Canada
Rebecca Thistlethwaite
Developing wheat that can beat the heat, Australia
Lukas Roth, Flavian Tschurr
High-throughput field phenotyping to study the physiology of plants, Switzerland
Eleonora Garozzo Zannini Quirini
A Low-Cost Method for Phenotyping Wilting and Recovery of Wheat Leaves under Heat Stress Using Semi-Automated Image Analysis, Italy
Mariia Kovalenko
Agar gel phenotyping of roots as rapid and sensitive assay of wheat seedlings response to edaphic factors