VDMs are video conferences organized around topics related to durum wheat, where 4-5 short presentations are given per session followed by time for discussion.
Please find below recorded presentations from our workshops.
By clicking on the arrows on the left and right you can go through all videos and watch the one of your interest.
MAY 2023
Day 1, 10th of May:
Peter Langridge Chair of the Scientific Board of the Wheat Initiative - at 5th VDM on “The role of the Wheat Initiative”
Fei Lu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China & John Innes Centre, UK "Population genomics unravels the Holocene history of bread wheat and its relatives"
Liubov Govta, University of Haifa, Israel “Durum wheat immune responses activated by WTK1 (Yr15) against stripe rust”
Shuang Zhang, University of Vienna, Austria “Spatial distribution of proteomic architecture in wheat grains and different responses to grain filling stages”
Jad B Novi, University of Bologna, Italy “Multienvironment phenotypic evaluation and GWAS analysis on the global durum genomic resource wheat collection for resistance to yellow rust”
Filippo Bassi on behalf of Hafssa Kabbaj, ICARDA, Morocco “Implementation of Genomic Selection in the ICARDA durum wheat breeding program”
Day 2, 11th of May:
Junli Zhang, University of California, Davis, USA Accessing natural and induced variation in the regulatory regions of the wheat genes
Justin D. Faris, United States Department of Agriculture – USDA, USA Genetics of resistance to tan spot in durum wheat
Chiara Natale, CREA Research Centre for Engineering and Agro-Food Processing, Italy Crop rotation, soil tillage and fertilization source affect durum wheat grain and semolina pasta traits
Matteo Bozzoli, DISTAL - University of Bologna, Italy Fine mapping of Sbm2, a locus for soil-borne cereal mosaic virus (sbcmv) resistance in durum wheat
April 2022
JULY 2021
Quality traits in wheat wild relatives for new breeding programs - Dr Ilaria Marcotuli
Increasing dough strength in soft kernel durum wheat using Glu-D1 and Gpc-B1 - Craig Morris
Argentinean durum wheat: quality, yield and yield related traits - Viviana Echenique
G + GxE vs E: experience in phenotyping for stress tolerance - Filippo Bassi
JULY 2020